It is locating in the heart of the city of Xalapa, different foods have focused on meat dishes, is a place for good food, and that place in many pictures that represent the city of Xalapa in the old days.
The service offered is of very good quality, when there are special dates, we can find live music of different styles and urban groups in the city itself creates.
Between the featured dishes are the enchiladas, flank steak, tampiqueña, salads, soups, meats, fish and seafood.
It is noteworthy that offer a wide range of wines and spirits.
The meat and the dish is prepared from coal.
Zaragoza Street #20
Phone: 818-2119
Specialty: It has a wide variety of specialties, hamburgers, and different types of grilled meats. Each bears the name of the food followed by "Casona".
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